In an email response to a constituent shortly after winning his Congressional election, Mark Schauer says he supports federal law over Michigan's voter enacted constitutional amendment allowing medical marijuana.
Schauer also called marijuana a "harmful, risky...gateway drug that damages organs."
"Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding current marijuana policy in the United States. I appreciate hearing from my constituents on issues that are important to them. I apologize for the delay in my response. I have been working hard to respond to the many inquiries of my constituents as I set up my new office.
Under federal law, use of marijuana is illegal. While some states, Michigan included, have passed legislation to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, the harmful side effects of its use cannot be ignored. Marijuana seriously impairs the central nervous system's ability to control thoughts, mood, memory and coordination. Marijuana use damages the organs, glands, and hormones involved in growth and development, and poses increased risk of hypertension and heart disease. Marijuana is also a gateway drug that too often has lead to young people getting involved with even more serious substances. For these reasons, I fully support the current federal laws in place regarding marijuana usage.
Again, thank you for contacting me. If you should have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me."
Interesting... That initiative passed with almost 66% support. Every county voted in favor-even Ottawa...
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