State Rep. Cindy Gamrat, left, with Rep. Todd Courser, right (photo by Dale Young, The Detroit News) |
By Brandon Hall
Email him at westmipolitics@gmail.com
State Rep. Todd Courser may be the next one kicked out of the MI House GOP Caucus...
The freshman legislator went OFF recently, breaking his silence on the removal of State Rep. Cindy Gamrat from the House GOP caucus in a fierce email Monday, blasting House Speaker Kevin Cotter and questioning the real reasons for Gamrat's removal.
Courser asks people to call Cotter and demand he show the evidence of Gamrat breaching caucus confidentiality, as well as contact their local State Rep. to demand they support Gamrat-and vote against what he calls "Welfare/Ed Increases Over Road" budgets.
Here are the top 10 parts of the email, and below, the full email itself.
" It is now well
past time for me to explain the situation that led to Rep Gamrat’s
removal and to do my best to set the record straight. I have known Rep
Gamrat for several years and have witnessed her in very difficult
political circumstances and she has always acted with the utmost
integrity, respect, and honor in all of her dealings even with those
who are dead set against her efforts to advance liberty and freedom.
Even in these current moments, as she is being maligned and abused by
the leadership, she has acted with complete respect and decorum in her
defense of herself. I have absolutely no doubt that the charges, put
forward by the Speaker, against her are false and that she has in no
way breached the "confidentiality of the caucus."
"The Speaker acted without doing any of the proper steps required by
his position of leadership…and his timing and actions since should
cause all to be concerned about what motivated his actions in the
first place..."
"(T)he Speaker
of the State House has removed Rep. Gamrat from caucus, claiming
wrongdoing and yet offering no evidence as such; instead he has stated
that he there have been multiple incidents, but offered no evidence
and has simply engaged assassination of her reputation and
character. All on the eve of the lead up to the “Welfare Increases
Over Road Funding” budget hitting the floor for debate; essentially
silencing a huge fiscally conservative voice from the caucus where the
debates on the budget would occur. The timing on the eve of the budget
debates in the caucus and on the floor of the House is more than a
little suspect…the forces of tyranny are attempting to silence a huge voice
for liberty on the eve of the budget increases, just as amendments
were being prepared to expose the "Welfare/Ed Increases Over Roads
Funding" and as we were preparing to push for a total Defunding of
Planned Parenthood and any organization that performs abortions!"
"The Speaker will probably remain in his official position, but due
to his initial actions, and his treatment since, against Rep Gamrat,
he is right now at risk of losing the trust and confidence of many
members of the caucus and of course the public at large."
"I have waited for the Speaker to step up and do the right thing in
providing a process to resolve the situation for everyone involved...His actions in this situation seem to be off beat and
without any warning and are certainly not the actions of a servant
leader; they are the shameless actions of a bully bent on abusing his
power to silence in the caucus a voice of liberty; my hope and prayer
is that the Speaker will change course and make some good steps this
week to bring resolution to this situation for all involved."
"Those who
remain silent share in the actions of the leadership and I am just not
at all equipped to stand by while someone is stripped of their
membership without cause. I realize he and she are both now acting and
reacting to each other in their attempts to defend themselves and this
has led to the whole mess being played out publicly. Unfortunately the
Speaker has taken no lead up process steps; his removal of her, was at
best, a knee jerk unfounded unilateral action, and were not the proper
steps of a true servant leader"
"There is a proper biblical way to handle such disputes; that
process doesn't include destroying a member of your group publicly and
without providing any evidence of such wrongdoing. The proper way to
handle such an incident is to first, if he had issue with Rep.
Gamrat's actions, he should have given her a warning on his specific
charges, which would be followed by an opportunity to correct the
situation, then if the situation was not corrected then further
actions would be taken in private before he threw her out publicly,
without warning, and without evidence being offered to back up his
decision. "
"The caucus is supposed to
be held in secret and everyone in attendance has no doubt that it is
indeed a private secret meeting and that nothing is to be shared about
what has or has not transpired. In this particular case, we as reps
received notices of what was called a "budget workshop" to be held off
site at a lobbyist facility and the notice in no way described this
event as a caucus. As a matter of fact, it was held in the offices of
a lobbyist firm with the doors open to the lobbyists and support staff
of the lobbying firm just outside the open doors; many of us didn't
fit into the room, myself included. Also, it has been said that a
reporter was even present in the room listening to part of the
presentation, before he was removed. I didn't know it was a caucus and
there were several others who did not know as well."
"The Speaker at that moment stated she
was being removed for the post, but then a couple of days later, said
to the media that it was for multiple breaches of the confidentiality
of the caucus; not for the Facebook post at all. If so, then why no
warnings? And why the sudden urge to remove her at that moment? He of
course had never brought these multiple breaches to her, nor to the
caucus, nor had he ever given her a warning, nor has he since met with
Rep. Gamrat to inform her of the evidence against her. He has simply
used his position to attempt to malign and destroy her reputation and
her credibility in the media."
"If there is a meeting to resolve
this and the issues surrounding it, then Rep Gamrat should be afforded
the opportunity to have those she trusts hear the charges and evidence
being brought by the Speaker or the Speaker needs to just bring the
evidence out so the public can see his reasoning on the
"confidentiality issue" and make the determination for themselves.
There just isn't anything American about this sort of leadership
action taking place without evidence being offered to support it."
Here is the email in full:
She has my 100% support! I Stand W/ Rep Gamrat!
I appreciate all of your prayers on this, for Rep Gamrat, for
Speaker Cotter, for myself, and for "The Caucus;” just prayer for the
hearts and minds of all involved; that there would be a spirit of
restoration would take hold; at this point that does not look likely.
People have a right to know what is happening in their State House;
there should be transparency; good or bad, right or wrong, caucus or
not, the people have a right to know what the power of their State
House is being used for and who it is being used against. Yes there
should be a place for strategy/tactics to be discussed privately, but
when that same power is used to malign/destroy a duly elected public
official of the State House, without a showing of cause, there is
nothing honorable in it and such an abuse of power and process is
I have felt my leadership role requires me to bring these
sorts of abuses to you, and to be unhindered by the political
consequences to myself as I do, even when it is hard and regardless of
what the costs might be; it is my responsibility to bring it and to
explain it to you. And as always, it is your responsibility what you
do with this information, insight, and understanding. It is now well
past time for me to explain the situation that led to Rep Gamrat’s
removal and to do my best to set the record straight. I have known Rep
Gamrat for several years and have witnessed her in very difficult
political circumstances and she has always acted with the utmost
integrity, respect, and honor in all of her dealings even with those
who are dead set against her efforts to advance liberty and freedom.
Even in these current moments, as she is being maligned and abused by
the leadership, she has acted with complete respect and decorum in her
defense of herself. I have absolutely no doubt that the charges, put
forward by the Speaker, against her are false and that she has in no
way breached the "confidentiality of the caucus."
Please call her office and tell her you support her efforts to
restore some sanity to Lansing; she needs your prayers and your
support! Her phone number is
269-605-0517 and her email
Also please call the Speaker; His phone contact is
517-373-1789 (the rest of the House Caucus members
contact info is at the bottom) – let them know how you feel
1. Rep Gamrat being thrown out of caucus
2. A budget that increases but prioritizes “Welfare/Ed Increases
Over Road Funding”...
3. A budget increasing overall again...more for Welfare/Ed but less
for roads…
4. And of course funding for abortions…
The Speaker acted without doing any of the proper steps required by
his position of leadership…and his timing and actions since should
cause all to be concerned about what motivated his actions in the
first place...
"To not speak is to speak and to not act is to act..."
This is a long email, but I believe it is a critical email for
those who want to understand what the conservative cause is up
against; it is not the people or the institutions as much as it is
this spirit of “expanding the centralization of governmental power”
over any adherence to the Constitution, sound governance, lower
spending and less taxes. Unfortunately in some important parts of the
party we have a spirit of “progressive top down central planning”
wrapped in claims of a conservative mantle; all the while spending
more, taxing more, and stripping away more of our civil liberties.
Many of you are already aware, though some are not, that the Speaker
of the State House has removed Rep. Gamrat from caucus, claiming
wrongdoing and yet offering no evidence as such; instead he has stated
that he there have been multiple incidents, but offered no evidence
and has simply engaged assassination of her reputation and
character. All on the eve of the lead up to the “Welfare Increases
Over Road Funding” budget hitting the floor for debate; essentially
silencing a huge fiscally conservative voice from the caucus where the
debates on the budget would occur. The timing on the eve of the budget
debates in the caucus and on the floor of the House is more than a
little suspect…
I rarely ask you to make calls into the State House, but today I am
asking; the forces of tyranny are attempting to silence a huge voice
for liberty on the eve of the budget increases, just as amendments
were being prepared to expose the "Welfare/Ed Increases Over Roads
Funding" and as we were preparing to push for a total Defunding of
Planned Parenthood and any organization that performs abortions!
The Speaker will probably remain in his official position, but due
to his initial actions, and his treatment since, against Rep Gamrat,
he is right now at risk of losing the trust and confidence of many
members of the caucus and of course the public at large.
I have waited for the Speaker to step up and do the right thing in
providing a process to resolve the situation for everyone involved. I
have attempted to bring some good movement in the background to clear
Rep Gamrat's reputation and to allow Speaker the opportunity to change
course by allowing her to return to the caucus, but it is now nearly
two weeks later and the Speaker and the members of the caucus now
appear to be content to move along and forget that he has acted to
destroy her and her reputation without providing any evidence of
wrongdoing. His actions in this situation seem to be off beat and
without any warning and are certainly not the actions of a servant
leader; they are the shameless actions of a bully bent on abusing his
power to silence in the caucus a voice of liberty; my hope and prayer
is that the Speaker will change course and make some good steps this
week to bring resolution to this situation for all involved.
Those who
remain silent share in the actions of the leadership and I am just not
at all equipped to stand by while someone is stripped of their
membership without cause. I realize he and she are both now acting and
reacting to each other in their attempts to defend themselves and this
has led to the whole mess being played out publicly. Unfortunately the
Speaker has taken no lead up process steps; his removal of her, was at
best, a knee jerk unfounded unilateral action, and were not the proper
steps of a true servant leader.
There is a proper biblical way to handle such disputes; that
process doesn't include destroying a member of your group publicly and
without providing any evidence of such wrongdoing. The proper way to
handle such an incident is to first, if he had issue with Rep.
Gamrat's actions, he should have given her a warning on his specific
charges, which would be followed by an opportunity to correct the
situation, then if the situation was not corrected then further
actions would be taken in private before he threw her out publicly,
without warning, and without evidence being offered to back up his
The media theater has swirled around all of this with lots of
speciation - Is this a targeted elimination of one of the most
conservative leaders? Or simply a misunderstanding gone bad? Or has
she actually broken the rules of the confidentiality of caucus? As
time has gone on it is looking less and less like a simple
misunderstanding and more and more targeted and timed.
Speaker Cotter removed Rep Gamrat and stated originally that she
had made a Facebook post against caucus rules, and then changed his
story to state it was due to multiple breaches of confidentiality. If
his action of personally throwing her out of the "budget workshop" was
not due to the Facebook post then why did he throw her out personally
from the event?
Here is her Facebook post...
"Listening to subcommittees reviewing their budgets. How do we get
to free market solutions when our starting point is Medicaid and more
and more government programs being funded, from daycares to dental
programs to planned parenthood."
So why is the Speaker choosing to do this to Rep. Gamrat at this
particular time? Is it about...
1. Her Facebook post?
2. A series of multiple offenses of breaches of confidentiality as
claimed, but with no evidence presented?
3. Her stand against an out of control and growing budget?
4. Her stand against Planned Parenthood funding in this
5. Her efforts to put forward amendments to this budget to move
spending from more for "Welfare/Ed spending less to roads."
5. Her current party campaign to become the National
6. Her efforts to stop "Proposal 1," the increase in sales tax
scheduled for May 5th?
7. His first steps, performed badly, just didn't allow him to back
up and save his own reputation and so it forced both to then fight it
out defending themselves publicly.
Or is it all of the above?
Background on "The Caucus" - Most do not know what a caucus is nor
why it matters, so a little background is required here. The
Republicans in the State House are all members of what is called "The
Caucus," it is a club of sorts, where the bills of the day are
discussed in an open and frank way. The Democrats have a similar
arrangement. It is a group that meets in private in a back room of
the State House. I will say personally aside from this incident the
caucus has been an enjoyable way to discuss the business of the day;
unfortunately in this situation it has turned into something less
worthy. The Caucus operates with rules, with the underlying rule that
"what happens in caucus stays in caucus." Essentially in this
environment the bills are discussed and the leadership of the party
can give "suggestions" and "requests" to the members of the caucus;
and even marching orders on certain topics. The caucus is supposed to
be held in secret and everyone in attendance has no doubt that it is
indeed a private secret meeting and that nothing is to be shared about
what has or has not transpired.
In this particular case, we as reps
received notices of what was called a "budget workshop" to be held off
site at a lobbyist facility and the notice in no way described this
event as a caucus. As a matter of fact, it was held in the offices of
a lobbyist firm with the doors open to the lobbyists and support staff
of the lobbying firm just outside the open doors; many of us didn't
fit into the room, myself included. Also, it has been said that a
reporter was even present in the room listening to part of the
presentation, before he was removed. I didn't know it was a caucus and
there were several others who did not know as well. Even so, Rep.
Gamrat in her Facebook post from the event in no way revealed neither
anything of substance nor anything confidential pertaining to the
caucus or the budget workshop.
The Speaker at that moment stated she
was being removed for the post, but then a couple of days later, said
to the media that it was for multiple breaches of the confidentiality
of the caucus; not for the Facebook post at all. If so, then why no
warnings? And why the sudden urge to remove her at that moment? He of
course had never brought these multiple breaches to her, nor to the
caucus, nor had he ever given her a warning, nor has he since met with
Rep. Gamrat to inform her of the evidence against her. He has simply
used his position to attempt to malign and destroy her reputation and
her credibility in the media.
I have enjoyed caucus and understand the
need to have a spot where Representatives can have open and frank
discussions on legislation, but the idea of a group that would remain
silent as the Speaker destroys a person without offering any
intermediate steps or evidence is disturbing. There is nothing
honorable about remaining silent when a person is being spitefully
used and abused and their reputation is being destroyed by one in
Servant Leadership must be above reproach, honest and forthright
in it's dealings with it's members and also be totally aware and
sensitive in how its words and actions affect its members and the
public at large. Our Speaker is at this moment very close to losing
his mantle of leadership and the respect of the members. Once honor
and respect are replaced by withholding info, denying the free speech
of the members to come out and support a member, and finally the
possibility of outright lying about the member and the charges against
the member, then the Speaker’s credibility is on very shaky ground. If
there is a issue with a member then there should have been a quiet
process to review the issue and come to a determination.
That did not
happen in any way. Leadership must also be self-controlled; leadership
must be ever vigilant to not overstep in accusing a member without
offering proof of such breach, in this case "of confidentiality.”
Finally, Leadership cannot, if it is to remain with the goodwill of
its members and those who support the members, throw out a member
without some amount of intermediate steps to show it's self-restraint
on charges without evidence and a thoughtful process for doing so, or
it risks greatly losing its credibility to all. Regardless of how this
is spun, and I hope this isn't the case, but it is looking more and
more like a witch hunt and an clear abuse of power.
The Speaker is at
this moment on very shaky ground; officially, he will probably retain
his position, but he will very likely lose, and has lost, at least
some of the confidence of the members in the way he has brought this
punishment forward without providing any evidence, or a way for
Representative Gamrat to review or see the evidence he says he has
before he has taken these very public steps to politically destroy
her. I hate to say this, but this is beginning to look very
self-serving, done at a critical moment in the budget process, and
will be interpreted by a great many as if he is simply lying and has
no evidence.
I am honestly not sure how the caucus will or should handle this,
but I am hopeful that cooler heads will look at this and figure out a
way to:
1. Redeem Representative Gamrat from her Speaker-imposed exile
(she has been maligned and smeared publicly by "our" elected
leadership - that means we in the caucus share in the stain on this if
it has been done poorly and with ill intent),
2. then hopefully there is some way salvage the Speaker's
credibility from the situation he has gotten himself into,
3. and finally also salvage the original spirit of the caucus.
Publicly and privately there are only a few options here for how
this will all end up looking.
1. First, he has possibly "just failed to do a proper process,
had overstepped, had become a bit overzealous in his actions and has
now corrected it."
2. Second, "he is doing this with political or official
motivations to remove her."
3. Third, regretfully "He is telling the truth" (if so he
should bring his evidence to justify his actions and put this to
4. Finally, even more regretfully, "he is lying and now
attempting to cover it up." Unfortunately, if he doesn't bring out his
case, regardless if he is telling the truth or lying, he will be
viewed as lying and will have lost the respect and admiration of the
public and a great many members of the caucus, on who's trust and
confidence his leadership rests.
5. None of this looks good internally or publicly; I do
absolutely hope this can all find a good result for all involved and I
am praying to that end.
"To not speak is to speak and to not act is to act..." At this
point, whether we like it or not, all who are in the caucus have
responsibility for this due simply to our silence. The members of
the caucus who have not spoken up about this do not stand absolved of
their responsibility; nor do I; it looks as if we all are agreeing
with the Speaker and supporting his position; I do not. I would like
this resolved well for all involved. I am again writing this to
hopefully move this to a good result this week. I have received no
less than two dozen requests for interviews on this topic and to this
point I have been very careful to not accelerate and inflame the
situation further; but I felt it was time for the public to know and
they have a right to know what is being done in their State House; I
have felt that my entry into this right after it happened would not
give this situation it's best chance at being resolved well for all
involved, but it is now time to no longer sit silently while no
evidence is offered, and while evil is afoot. None of this sits well
with me, nor should it sit well with anyone to see someone destroyed
without evidence, so if there is evidence of her wrong doing it needs
to come out so this can be put to bed, or if no evidence is offered
then to me this should all be put to bed and she should be allowed
back into the caucus immediately. If there is a meeting to resolve
this and the issues surrounding it, then Rep Gamrat should be afforded
the opportunity to have those she trusts hear the charges and evidence
being brought by the Speaker or the Speaker needs to just bring the
evidence out so the public can see his reasoning on the
"confidentiality issue" and make the determination for themselves.
There just isn't anything American about this sort of leadership
action taking place without evidence being offered to support it.
Many of you know Rep. Gamrat and understand what a huge warrior she
has been in the cause of liberty; it has been no secret that she has
stood firm and strong against the onslaught of the progressive march.
In all of this, and in every battle where she has been placed, she has
always shown herself to be completely respectful and honorable in her
dealings, even with those who are set on advancing the progressive
march; and when they have not acted in the same manor. Many have tried
to speculate if there was a political motivation to her being
personally removed by the speaker.
The liberal progressive
establishment has so many things happening, especially the increasing
of the budget to fund more entitlements at the expense of the roads,
maybe it was all done to sideline and distract the cause of liberty
while they moved their plans down the tracks to passage; if so I would
hope the Speaker will now take a step back and correct the steps and
re-admit her to the caucus. Many times those in power will simply
attack at a moment of critical importance so that the opposition is
distracted and has to then spend its time defending itself rather than
attacking the plans to steal away more of our lives through more
spending, more taxing, and more destruction of our civil liberties.
Please join me in supporting Rep. Gamrat and resisting the tyranny of
those who would further erode our precious liberty!
In Christ Alone...
Laura (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Livonia / 19 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-3920
Room: N 698 HOB |
Kurt (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Plymouth / 20 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-3816
Room: N 699 HOB |
Pat (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: New
Boston / 23 / 3rd* |
Phone: (517) 373-0855
Room: S 787 |
Anthony (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Harrison
Twp. / 24 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0113
Room: S 0788 HOB |
Jeff (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Utica / 30 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-7768
Room: N 794 HOB |
Andrea (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Richmond / 32 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-8931
Room: N 0796 HOB |
Ken (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Ray
Township / 33 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0820
Room: N 0797 HOB |
Peter J. (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Shelby
Township / 36 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0843
Room: S 885 HOB |
Kathy (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Novi / 38 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0827
Room: S 887 HOB |
Klint (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Commerce
Twp. / 39 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1799
Room: S 888 HOB |
Mike (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Birmingham / 40 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-8670
Room: S 889 HOB |
Martin (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Troy / 41 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1783
Room: N 890 HOB |
Lana (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Brighton
Twp. / 42 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1784
Room: N 891 HOB |
Jim (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Clarkston / 43 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0615
Room: N 892 HOB |
Jim (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: White
Lake / 44 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-2616
Room: N 893 HOB |
Michael (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Rochester
Hills / 45 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1773
Room: N 894 HOB |
Bradford (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Oxford / 46 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-1798
Room: N 895 HOB |
Hank (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Fowlerville / 47 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-8835
Room: N 896 HOB |
Joseph (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Argentine
Township / 51 / 3rd * |
Phone: (517) 373-1780
Room: S 985 HOB |
M. (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Temperance / 56 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-2617
Room: N 990 HOB |
Nancy (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Clayton / 57 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1706
Room: N 0991 |
Eric (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Hillsdale / 58 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1794
Room: N 992 HOB |
Aaron (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Sturgis / 59 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0832
Room: N 993 HOB |
Brandt (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Kalamazoo / 61 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1774
Room: N 995 HOB |
John (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Battle
Creek / 62 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0555
Room: N 996 HOB |
David C. (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Brady
Township / 63 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1787
Room: N 997 HOB |
Earl (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Jackson / 64 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-1795
Room: N 998 HOB |
Brett (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Charlotte / 65 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1775
Room: N 999 HOB |
Aric (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Lawton / 66 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0839
Room: 153 CB |
Rick (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Six
Lakes / 70 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0834
Room: S 1089 HOB |
Tom (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Potterville / 71 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0853
Room: N 1090 HOB |
Ken (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Caledonia / 72 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0840
Room: N 1091 HOB |
Chris (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Grand Rapids
Twp. / 73 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0218
Room: N 1092 HOB |
Rob (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Walker / 74 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-8900
Room: H374 CB |
Tom (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Byron
Center / 77 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-2277
Room: N 1096 HOB |
Dave (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Berrien
Springs / 78 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1796
Room: N1097 HOB |
Al (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Stevensville / 79 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-1403
Room: 351 CB |
Cindy (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Plainwell / 80 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0836
Room: N 1099 HOB |
Dan (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Brockway / 81 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1790
Room: S 1185 HOB |
Todd (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Lapeer / 82 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1800
Room: S1186 HOB |
Paul (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Brown
City / 83 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0835
Room: S 1187 HOB |
Edward (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Sebewaing / 84 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0476
Room: S 1188 HOB |
Ben (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Owosso / 85 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0841
Room: S 1189 HOB |
Posthumus (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Alto / 86 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0846
Room: N 1190 HOB |
Mike (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Nashville / 87 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0842
Room: N 1191 HOB |
Roger (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Hudsonville / 88 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1830
Room: N 1192 HOB |
Amanda (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Holland / 89 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0838
Room: N 1193 HOB |
Daniela (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Holland / 90 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0830
Room: N 1194 HOB |
Holly (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Montague / 91 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-3437
Room: N 1195 HOB |
Marcia (D)
HomeTown/District/Term: Muskegon / 92 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-2646
Room: N 1196 HOB |
Tom (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: DeWitt
Twp. / 93 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-1778
Room: 251 CB |
Tim (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Saginaw / 94 / 2nd |
Phone: (517) 373-0837
Room: N1198 HOB |
Joel (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Clare / 97 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-8962
Room: S 1286 HOB |
Gary (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Larkin
Twp. / 98 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1791
Room: S 1287 HOB |
Kevin (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Mt.
Pleasant / 99 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-1789
Room: 164 CB |
Jon (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Newaygo / 100 / Final
Term |
Phone: (517) 373-7317
Room: 1289 HOB |
Ray (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Onekama / 101 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0825
Room: S 1385 HOB |
Phil (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Cadillac / 102 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-1747
Room: S 1386 HOB |
Bruce (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Lake
City / 103 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-3817
Room: S 1387 HOB |
C. (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Williamsburg / 104 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-1766
Room: S 1388 HOB |
Triston (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Mancelona / 105 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-0829
Room: S 1389 HOB |
Peter (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Presque
Isle / 106 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0833
Room: S 1485 HOB |
Lee (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Levering / 107 / 1st |
Phone: (517) 373-2629
Room: S 1486 HOB |
Ed (R)
HomeTown/District/Term: Vulcan / 108 / 3rd |
Phone: (517) 373-0156
Room: S 1487 HOB |
Read more about the situation below:
Source: Planned Parenthood Reference Prompted Gamrat Purge, Cotter Will Invite Her Back
Breaking: Cindy Gamrat Kicked Out Of GOP Caucus
Tea party state Rep. Cindy Gamrat kicked from House Republican caucus
Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics
Email him at WestMiPolitics@Gmail.com
Photo By Darlene Dowling Thompson |