
Monday, May 13, 2024

🚨BREAKING: Meridian Township Dems Chair Was A Cult Leader Who Lost His Psychology License After Having Sex With His Followers/Patients🚨

By Brandon Hall

(Email him at

An exclusive, bombshell West Michigan Politics investigation reveals that 
Greg Gavrilives, the Chairman of the prominent Meridian Democratic Club, is a former Cult leader and Ex-Psychologist who lost his license to practice for having sex with his patients---who were members (or perhaps more accurately, VICTIMS) of his deranged, East Lansing based cult.

Brazenly, Gavrilives, who we'll call "Dr. Greg," even had the balls to bill insurance companies for his sick sexual encounters, which took place at his Michigan State office, as well as at a nearby facility! 

The Meridian Dems say they are "dedicated to promoting Democrats and Democratic values in Meridian Township, Michigan" according to their Facebook page, which features "Dr. Greg's" e-mail as the Admin.

            The Meridian Democratic Club is officially chartered with the Michigan Democrat Party, which means MDP leaders may damn well take action based on these breaking revelations. (You'd THINK?!)

The Administrative Law Hearing where "Dr. Greg" tried to get his license back paints a wild picture of a psychologist who was also a sex-obsessed cult leader---a calculated predator that took advantage of vulnerable women under his "care" and control:

"Dr. Greg's" name has popped up in the news in recent years. 

In another, he spoke out against Meridian Township Treasurer Phil Deschaine after he ran a mailer against another State House candidate, now State Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou, in 2022. Dr Greg was a major supporter of Tsernoglou...

"The MDC supports and promotes Democratic campaigns that engage in respectful dialogue, focus on the issues, and refrain from attacking candidates or their businesses," its chair, Greg Gavrilides, wrote. "We find it particularly reprehensible that the personal values of candidate Penelope Tsernoglou were vilified.”

This is a developing story...

Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at


  1. Why is there a photo of the author making a lewd gesture with convicted sexual predator and cult leader Donald Trump at the bottom of this article?

  2. This report is accurate, as I was a member of the cult that Greg led. I, along with two other women, took him to court which resulted in the revocation of his professional license as a practicing psychologist. He and Trump have a lot in common, both being cult leaders (see The Cult of Trump by Steven Hassan, a leading cult expert) and sexual predators. Neither is willing to accept responsibility for their egregious, illegal and immoral actions. There are a few significant differences however. Greg is highly intelligent, having obtained a PhD, something Trump would be incapable of. And Greg is also quite articulate, while Trump is pretty much an embarrassment every time he opens his mouth. In addition, Greg is not a convicted felon. I believe neither of these two men should be in a position of political leadership, and find it rather ironic and ludicrous that you would publish this about Greg while including a picture that demonstrates your allegiance to a man who is at least as harmful. I would contend Trump’s depth and reach of malevolence and toxicity is far greater than Greg’s, and it is frightening, to say the least, that he could once again wield power in the highest office of the land.
