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State Rep. Todd Courser hangs out with State Rep. Cindy Gamrat (Photo by DarKen Photography) |
(Email him at WestMiPolitics@Gmail.com
State Rep. Todd Courser blasted Kathy Berden and also attacked Mary Whiteford in a heated statement endorsing Cindy Gamrat's campaign for RNC Committeewoman.
As projected by WMP early last week, Kathy Berden bested Gamrat and Whiteford to replace Ronna Romney McDaniel as Michigan's female representative to the RNC. Berden and Whiteford advanced to a second ballot.
In part of his endorsement of Gamrat, Courser writes:
"Berden is a very nice lady but does not have the pedigree to be much more than a stamp for Party leadership... I would expect her to tow the party line and carry whatever votes the leadership pushes, Progressive or Liberal. She has not shown that she would stand apart with the grit and fortitude to advance liberty in her own local Party, let alone on the National stage. This may not be important to you, but to me, she has not distinguished herself as a champion of anything."
His main target though, is Mary Whiteford.
"Whiteford has virtually no political experience or resume. Except for the fact that she has attended more parties than anyone in state Party politics, she has no political resume. A fact that seems to be missing from discussions about her is in her past she had been active in the abortion industry and has admitted to administering RU486 to induce abortions. She also has openly proclaimed that she supports the expansion of Elliott Larsen to include protected class status for homosexuals."
Courser previously had said Whiteford earlier in the week that:
"My issue here is Mary Whiteford is her position as it relates to the RNC Platform on abortion...
This alone should disqualify her from serving and cause her to withdraw from the race! As a recent member of the Michigan Republican Party State Committee I'd urge the current committee members to NOT select Mary Whiteford. If we can't trust her on this part of the platform, how could we trust her on the rest of it?"
The elephant in the room: Beyond this race, which a MIRS poll had shown Gamrat slightly winning at one point before being purged from the caucus by Speaker Cotter (at the behest of Daniela Garcia and Al Pscholka), many believe Whiteford will challenge Gamrat in the 2016 primary, POSSIBLY fueling a need in Courser's eyes for such attacks against Whiteford. Regardless, tensions stil run immensely high from the 2014 election in which Gamrat beat Whiteford.
One of the reasons Reagan was so loved is that he was such a positive guy. He made friends of enemies, used humor and wit to battle opponents, and carried that amazing style all the way to the White House in historic fashion, winning almost every single state.
I understand tensions are high with the issues mentioned above,a s well as Gamrat's removal. I understand Courser is frustrated about those-and a number of other issues. However, saying Beden has "not distinguished herself as a champion of anything" and "does not have the pedigree to be much more than a stamp," or that Whiteford is nothing but a party girl who should drop out of the race is kind of rude. It is conjecture, definitely not conducive to a respectful dialogue. We can do better. The foundation of a healthy, vigorous debate in our party should be focused on civility and decency, not demanding someone get out of the race while calling them names.
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Mary Whiteford with son Ken (Photo By DarKen Photography) |
Whiteford had enough of Courser. She took to Facebook, writing:
"I'm amazed that the lies have started again. Here was my response from last year, it applies again."
She then posted this statement from her 2014 battle against Gamrat:
She then posted this statement from her 2014 battle against Gamrat:

Dear Friend,
Elections should be about who will best represent the people. I have chosen to run a campaign based on listening to you by knocking on doors and attending meetings; sharing my background as a small business owner and nurse; and outlining my positions to build a healthy economy, support education, and defend our Constitution and values...
One of my opponents has decided to run a smear campaign with highly
misleading mailers and emails attacking me, and I understand many
deceptive phone calls that pretend to be polls are repeating these same
smears. My opponent is so misleading that she would have you believe my
work with an organization to help domestic violence victims means I
support a worldwide liberal agenda, or that somehow I’m not pro-life,
even though Right to Life of Michigan PAC endorsed me.
I have said I will follow the Constitution (seems pretty common sense) and my opponent has amazingly twisted that into me opposing traditional marriage. She also accused me of wanting to raise taxes because I said as a small business owner, I want taxes to be simple, clear, and transparent, and that I don’t mind doing my part by paying taxes.
In summary, I volunteered with a group that helps domestic violence victims, I’m endorsed by Right to Life, I have committed to following the Constitution, and I am okay paying taxes I owe.
You, as a voter, deserve better than this. I hope you reject these wild attacks and that on Tuesday we send a message that these types of slash-and-burn, misleading, dishonest campaigns have no place in Allegan County.
I firmly believe that how candidates conduct their campaign is a clear indication of how they will serve in office. If you give me the privilege of representing you in the Michigan House of Representatives, I will focus on working for solutions and representing you with honor and integrity.
Mary Whiteford"
I have said I will follow the Constitution (seems pretty common sense) and my opponent has amazingly twisted that into me opposing traditional marriage. She also accused me of wanting to raise taxes because I said as a small business owner, I want taxes to be simple, clear, and transparent, and that I don’t mind doing my part by paying taxes.
In summary, I volunteered with a group that helps domestic violence victims, I’m endorsed by Right to Life, I have committed to following the Constitution, and I am okay paying taxes I owe.
You, as a voter, deserve better than this. I hope you reject these wild attacks and that on Tuesday we send a message that these types of slash-and-burn, misleading, dishonest campaigns have no place in Allegan County.
I firmly believe that how candidates conduct their campaign is a clear indication of how they will serve in office. If you give me the privilege of representing you in the Michigan House of Representatives, I will focus on working for solutions and representing you with honor and integrity.
Mary Whiteford"
>>>Courser admits that "About the other two candidates, I must say in full disclosure that I do not know them well. I make my assessments based on what they have said and done and have not said and not done."
Courser and Gamrat are vital to the fight for liberty and limited government in our state. A more free, more prosperous Michigan is something worth fighting for, and they are working hard to do that everyday, more than almost anyone else in Lansing.
However, here, Courser should have remembered that he knows little about these women and that should have mitigated severely the strength of his attack. I am a big fan of Gamrat and Courser (and Berden and Whiteford) and I think this hurt Gamrat.
Courser too has been the victim of some disgusting smears, and his kids have even been pulled into the mix sometimes. This type of behavior is par for the course in Lansing, but Mr. Courser is better than that. Hopefully future communications reflect that fact, from Courser, and everyone else in Lansing.
I won't hold my breath for most, but hopefully Courser does his part. He'll reach more people and be more effective with a Reaganesque take on things. If he gets that style down-a more positive tone to what he is saying-watch out. The establishment will be shaking in their boots, instead of using those boots to stomp on Courser, Gamrat, and anyone else they don't like. The ball is in Courser's court, what will he do?
Courser's Full Statement:
I endorse Cindy Gamrat for National Committeewoman. The choice is clear: she is without a doubt the best candidate!
Most of you will not be involved in the selection of the National Committeewoman this weekend, but I felt I should pass this along to give you an update on the inner-party campaign workings that affect the cause of liberty, and to give you a sense of the process the party is going thru on deciding whether or not to close down our primary process. Some are saying that we cannot close our primary to prevent Democrats from choosing our nominee: quite frankly, they are lying.
I support Cindy Gamrat for Republican National Committeewoman...a note or two on her and the other two. Keep in mind the establishment machine wants a "yes woman" who will go along to get along and vote what she is instructed to vote by the leadership National Republican Party.
Tomorrow the state committee will meet to complete to crucial tasks; they will be voting to elect the next National Committeewoman to the Republican National Committee, it is a crucial voting seat on the committee that will either be used to advance the progressive slide of the republican national party or it will be used as a pulpit to advance the cause of liberty and freedom! I urge you to support Gamrat for National Committeewoman. She is the only candidate in this race that will make this will use this seat to advance the cause of liberty! The committee will also decide whether or not to “close down the primary” to stop the flood of democrats who come in to force the outcome of our candidates.
Please use the list at the bottom of this email to encourage the state committee members to select Gamrat as the next National Committeewoman and also to ask them to close our primary and let Republicans only pick our Republican nominee for president!
In the interests of full disclosure, Representative Gamrat is my friend, my colleague, and she is the best candidate by far in this race. The polls initially had her leading. So right on cue, the baseless smear campaign was put in motion, led by none other than the Speaker of the State House. He now admits that his accusations of breaches of confidentiality were somehow misunderstood, that there were no breaches. He admits that there were no significant accusations to cause her removal, but he has still refused to allow her back in. The whole rampage against her was a reaction by "the establishment machinery" in the back needing to beat, stain and bloody her up a bit to make sure the other two candidates looked more appealing. These other two candidates in no way have the resumes to be the National Committeewoman, nowhere near the same caliber of accomplishments as Gamrat.
However, with the press and the Speaker creating the theater and drama, Gamrat, in political terms, began to run up hill against a mirage of accusations that turned out to be nothing more than political theater. It is an old strategy of distracting the voters by putting your opposition on the defense by creating scandal around the candidate to make the public think that there is some sort of loss of integrity and then the political stock of that person drops while less qualified and less accomplished candidates can ride along without having to say or do anything to show where they stand or what they are committed to. It normally works without a hitch. The public sees what appears to be a scandal and the establishment gets their pick. However, in this case Gamrat has refused to bow out and let the establishment pick have the race. Gamrat has also been a steadfast voice for closing down the primary!
Gamrat has shown the Conservative commitment, integrity, fortitude, grit, and courage to stand against the Progressive forces that seem to be engulfing our Party. She has the legislative experience, the Party experience and the courage under fire. Most remarkably, she has built up the Annual Powwow Event into the largest Conservative event of the year for our state and it is one of the best in the nation. The Powwow Event is a weekend each year where the top Conservative activists from around the state and country come together to find ways to work together to advance the Conservative cause. Gamrat, has also been a champion on closing down our primary system to stop the flow of Democrats that come in to pick our candidates.
I think I can summarize what I have seen in this charge of "her not working with her colleagues" this is my characterization of it all and my words; she is far more dignified in how she approaches her colleagues; yes it is true she is tough for some of the more progressive elements within our party to work with, when her colleagues are selling our liberty and freedom down "the river of opportunity," she has said, "Hell, no!" When they have increased the spending and pushed for more taxing, she has steadfast and said, "Hell, no!" When these colleagues have threatened her and demanded she stop, she has said, "Hell, no!" She isn't going to bend to their progressive march and won't help people who are progressively acting to sell out our liberty for their own personal gain! If you want a go along to get along vote for the machine, then vote for either of the other two, because Gamrat will be an uncompromisingly strong voice for Conservatism in a way that neither of the other two candidates can even comprehend.
She is absolutely a true dyed-in-the-wool fiscal and social Conservative who has fought on the battlefield time and again to advance the cause of Christ, our Republican platform, the cause of liberty and freedom, the heritage of our a Founder's, and finally our Constitution. She has worked tirelessly to advance the Conservative cause around our state and nation. She is absolutely committed to the underlying principles of liberty and has repeatedly stood against a hostile and vicious leadership voting "no" against their Progressive agenda items. She has advanced the "Life at Conception" act and was the first in the nation to advance a "Constitutional Carry" bill.
Gamrat is also committed to advocating expanding our Party platform to include provisions for protecting us from electronic surveillance by our government. She has also demonstrated that she will be active in engaging our youth in our party. She is and will be a rock solid vote on the National Committee who will represent our party with the utmost of integrity and respect and will never sit by as our principles and platform are overrun.
I would urge you to support and vote for Cindy Gamrat for Republican National Committeewoman.
About the other two candidates, I must say in full disclosure that I do not know them well. I make my assessments based on what they have said and done and have not said and not done.
Both have been asked repeatedly a series of questions, if they would, once elected to the committee, put forward and champion an end to funding for Planned Parenthood; both Whiteford and Berden have refused to answer the question. The questions were not only asked to see what their stand and level of commitment was on life, but the questions were also asked to see if they would be open and transparent; unfortunately neither Whiteford or Berden were forthcoming on what if anything they would champion if elected. Gamrat was the only one to answer the questions and has shown both transparency and an unwavering commitment to the cause of life. Gamrat has said she absolutely would stand for life in the position of National Committeewoman. If they will not even answer questions, neither Whiteford nor Berden will be vocal advocates in defending our platform and our principles against enemies inside and outside of the Party. Neither of them will be championing anything, unless it is in line with where the Party leadership wants to take the Party and neither will be strong independent voices that will stand against this ongoing Progressive march of our National Party leadership.
All of the candidate’s records should be examined. They should be open and transparent in whom they are, what positions they hold, what they have done to advance the cause of Liberty and have they been open to other Conservative voices. You need to ask these ladies some questions about what they have done and stood for and what they will champion if elected. It is my suggestion that you look at where they have stood for principles and values, and stood alone. Unless they are going to tow the line on Party leadership, they will need to be able to stand solidly alone on a National Committee that is overwhelmingly leaning Progressive.
Berden is a very nice lady but does not have the pedigree to be much more than a stamp for Party leadership. She is a long time Party worker; but as a Party Chair she has not been a friend to growing the Conservative base within the Party. I would expect her to tow the party line and carry whatever votes the leadership pushes, Progressive or Liberal. She has not shown that she would stand apart with the grit and fortitude to advance liberty in her own local Party, let alone on the National stage. This may not be important to you, but to me, she has not distinguished herself as a champion of anything. You should be asking questions about what she has been committed to and how she has treated liberty voices in her time as County Chair. Berden has not shown that she will or has stood against the Progressive march and I do not expect that to change. What has she championed to advance the Conservative cause within the Party? Where has she taken stands for liberty? What about her makes her the best choice for National Committeewoman? What would she do to advance the cause of marriage, life and the rest of the platform?
Whiteford has virtually no political experience or resume. Except for the fact that she has attended more parties than anyone in state Party politics, she has no political resume. A fact that seems to be missing from discussions about her is in her past she had been active in the abortion industry and has admitted to administering RU486 to induce abortions. She also has openly proclaimed that she supports the expansion of Elliott Larsen to include protected class status for homosexuals. During this campaign, she has refused to allow her speaking to be videotaped. She has blocked those who have asked what her position is on abortion, along with various other issues and has refused to answer questions on whether she is committed to ending all funding for Planned Parenthood.
I would urge you to support and vote for Cindy Gamrat for Republican National Committeewoman.
A short note about closing down the primary and the lies being told to keep it open to Democrats flooding into Republican elections…
This is a ridiculous argument on whether or not we can close down our primary system. First the issue of closing down the primary comes up because the Democrats no longer have contested primaries in such high profile races and so those left leaning voters are free to flood into the Republican primaries to help the Republicans pick the most liberal leaning high profile candidates. It is a huge problem for Party integrity. Those who say that we cannot are really shut down the flow of Democrats are not at all speaking truthfully. The real question is do we have to use the state run and state paid for primary voting system to select our next presidential nominee? A party can do its own system to select its own nominees; there is no law against it. We do not have to use the open primary system that allows and encourages Democrats to sweep in and select the most liberal of our candidates.
We can close down our system. We have a variety of ways to do this; it’s not that complicated and there are plenty of ways to do it. The best options in my mind are to use our County Party Conventions to allow the Republican elected officials and the elected Republican delegates to cast their ballots for who they want to be the next Republican nominee; another option would be to have a convention where the same Republican elected officials and delegates get to cast their ballots for who they want as the next Republican nominee. You could also use a caucus system. Finally, you could add in those who become members of the Michigan Republican Party by paying their membership dues and or donating to candidates.
Please use the list below to contact your Republican state committee members, and urge them to vote Cindy Gamrat for RNC Committeewoman and to stand strong and vote to close our Republican party for Republicans only!
In Christ alone,
Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.
>>>Email him at WestMiPolitics@Gmail.com
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Photo By Darlene Dowling Thompson |
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