
Friday, February 28, 2025

🚨Breaking: Grand Haven May Become A "Sanctuary City" For Illegal Immigrants🚨

The City Of Grand Haven's Human Relations Commission discusses
making Grand Haven a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants Thursday night

 By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

The City of Grand Haven took the first steps towards becoming a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants on Thursday night.

The issue was on the agenda at the Human Relations Commission meeting, and the HRC will soon make a recommendation to City Council on whether or not the city should become a safe haven for illegals. 

That would mean that all of the AMAZING Grand Haven Department Of Public Safety officers wouldn't be able to cooperate with ICE in the best interest of public safety, among other radical changes.

Sanctuary status for GH would also put State and federal funding for the City of Grand Haven at risk with President Trump and Michigan House Speaker Matt Hall's recent orders.

Less than half a dozen people (including myself) were in attendance for Thursday's meeting, and no traditional media was present.

The best ways to help fight back against Grand Haven becoming a "sanctuary city" for illegals?

1. Follow the "Keep Grand Haven Safe" Facebook page for breaking updates.

2. Send an Email RIGHT NOW to all the Grand Haven City Council Members:

Mike Fritz             

Karen Lowe         

Mayor Bob Monetza 

Kevin McLaughlin

3. Email if you want to help by volunteering your time, or making a small donation...

4. Attend the next City Council meeting on Monday, March 3rd at 7:30 PM at Grand Haven City Hall, and make sure your voice is heard!


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Thursday, February 20, 2025

1st District DRAMA: 9 Things Delegates Need To Know Before State Convention

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

The 1st Republican Congressional District has been engulfed in extreme turmoil, and a whole lot of unnecessary drama these last 24 months.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

LCRP Chair Deb Drick's Double Standards & History Of Incompetence Are Embarrassing Livingston County And Could Be A BIG Problem For 2026

Deb Drick                                                          James Asher

 By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

Recently, controversial Livingston County Republican Party Chair Debra Drick raised eyebrows after banning James Asher from the LCRP Youth Chair forum over a picture he took with State Rep. Angela Witwer 2 years ago.

Instead of confronting Asher at the forum with questions like an adult, Drick childishly decided to cancel him, like a leftist would do. Other candidates have even been threatened not to mention Asher or the incident during the forum, which will now be secretly recorded instead of open to Delegates. 

Threats over a YOUTH CHAIR race? Secret Zooms? That's INSANE!

James Asher

Drick claims that one picture should override Asher's 10 years of working for Republican candidates and Conservative causes, including leading mask protests at his high school, and helping Republicans take back the State House by knocking tens of thousands of doors last year so State Rep. Kathy Schmaltz could hold on to her seat in a highly competitive swing district. 

Drick's decision is unheard of and unprecedented: no other County Chair in the history of the Michigan Republican Party has ever purposefully excluded a duly approved Vice Chair candidate from a debate.

All 3 other Youth Chair candidates---Alec Beaton, Miguel Pillar, and Krish Mathrani---have come out in support of Asher against Drick's horrendous decision. 

Alec Beaton

"I’m a Free Speech Absolutist. I don’t think anyone should be gatekept, blackballed, or cancelled. I’m behind James 100%," fellow Michigan Republican Party Youth Chair Candidate Alec Beaton tells West Michigan Politics. 

Deb Drick has caused problems before: this is the same woman who didn't want to put our great Michigan Republican Supreme Court candidates Andrew Fink and Judge O'Grady on their 2024 Voter Guide---an EXTREMELY important mail piece sent to tens of thousands of Republicans all across the County---because “the candidates didn’t pay membership dues."

When it was pointed out to Debra and her buddies involved in making this ridiculous decision--that Judicial candidates are prohibited by law in the Judicial Cannons of Ethics from being a member of any political party---so it was illegal for them to be paid members of a local political party, they didn't give a damn and EXCLUDED OUR SUPREME COURT CANDIDATES anyway!

The results?

Not only was it the first time the 2 Democrat Supreme Court candidates won Livingston County---they won Livingston by over 5% in a county President Trump won by 23%... 


Livingston County Republican Party Youth Chair Spencer Good

Now, in a stunning turn of events, Livingston County Republican Party Youth Chair Spencer Good, who is supposed to moderate the forum, actually worked side by side with radical leftist Representatives Julie Brixie and Jenn Hill in 2023 and 2024 to enact a  "Hunger Free Campus" pilot program at Michigan State, and 3 other schools. 

Good, left with Brixie, center

Jenn Hill was one of the top 5 targets for Republicans to beat in 2024, and along with Brixie, one of the most liberal members of the House. Thankfully, Hill lost and Karl Bohnak replaced her...Hill and Brixie are liberal extremists who make Angela Witwer look like Angela Rigas!

Good is a co-founder of Spartan Food Security Council at MSU, a group that works closely with (and is an affiliate of) the California based "Swipe Out Hunger."

 One event Spartan Food Security Council hosted was lecturing people about how food issues impact racial minorities---and "equity and inclusion" are mentioned as being priorities for the organization. 

The legislation Good strongly pushed for and led by Brixie and Hill was also sponsored by 2 dozen other liberal Representatives, a who's who of Democrats across the state:

D-Jenn Hill (District 109)
D-Julie Brixie (District 73)
D-Donavan McKinney (District 14)
D-Julie Rogers (District 41)
D-Jaime Churches (District 27)
D-Jasper Martus (District 69)
D-Jennifer Conlin (District 48)
D-Natalie Price (District 5)
D-Felicia Brabec (District 33)
D-Samantha Steckloff (District 19)
D-Veronica Paiz (District 11)
D-Carrie Rheingans (District 47)
D-Carol Glanville (District 84)
D-Penelope Tsernoglou (District 75)
D-Erin Byrnes (District 15)
D-Betsy Coffia (District 103)
D-Rachel Hood (District 81)
D-Sharon MacDonell (District 56)
D-Jason Morgan (District 23)
D-Stephanie A. Young (District 16)
D-Cynthia Neeley (District 70)
D-Brenda Carter (District 53)
D-Jimmie Wilson Jr. (District 32)
D-Christine Morse (District 40)
D-Will Snyder (District 87)
D-Amos O'Neal (District 94)
D-Abraham Aiyash (District 9)

Not a single Republican legislator supported the bill in question. 

The bill was too much even for the Dem House to pass, but a pilot version of the program was funded through Whitmer’s horrendous 2024 budget, and received $125,000 in taxpayer money Brixie announced during a visit to MSU's campus earlier this month.

Brixie, on the left in green, with Good (middle right)

It seems like these colleges could find money in the INSANE budgets they already have instead of asking taxpayers for even MORE, though the idea of making sure all students have food is not itself bad.

Mr. Good, who seems like a nice guy I have no problem with, should watch his back---he may well be Debra Drick's next target. 

We already know how she likes to judge people by pictures! And he is FAR more entangled with extreme Democrat legislators than Asher...

When a County Party Chair behaves the way Drick has a long history of, our Republican voters, Delegates, and candidates are the real losers while people like Debra Drick get off on their ego fix, and power flex without actually accomplishing anything. 

Livingston County deserves far better! Drick should resign so a real leader can take over for 2026. The stakes are too high to let the JV team play Varsity---she's already done enough damage with her incompetence and double standards. 


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Friday, January 10, 2025

(D)erp! House Dems Actually "Forgot" To Send Horrendous Bills Passed In Lame Duck To Governor Whitmer For Her Approval 🤷‍♂️


By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

You can't make this up: failed former House Speaker Joe Tate and House Democrats forgot to send 9 of their horrendous bills from Lame Duck over to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for approval before the new Republican State House took over!

Like, you have ONE job, folks---what the hell?

The situation is unprecedented---and headed for court---as Speaker Hall seeks legal advice.

Apparently, Whitmer wanted nothing to do with the bills anyway, which makes me wonder just who "accidentally" forgot to send them to her...

According to Craig Mauger of The Detroit News:

"Nine bills, prioritized by Michigan Democrats that the state Legislature approved in the final days of 2024, haven't physically reached Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's desk, setting up a potential high-stakes legal fight with Republicans now in control of the House.

It wasn't clear Thursday why the bills, including one that would increase what public employers pay toward their workers' health care, weren't sent to the Democratic governor before Republicans took power in the House on Jan. 1. If they don't reach Whitmer's desk, they can't be signed into law.

Legislative records indicate the House ordered the measures be presented to Whitmer on Dec. 23. But it hadn't happened as of Thursday, a day after new House Speaker Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, and his House clerk, Scott Starr, were officially elected to lead the chamber.

In addition to the legislation that would require public employers to pay a larger share of employee health care, other bills still not presented to the governor would put corrections officers in the state police pension system and exclude disability, public assistance and worker's compensation from debt garnishments. The employee health insurance change and pensions for corrections officers had been major legislative priorities for labor unions allied with Democrats.

All nine bills originated in the House and had gained the approval of the House. But they didn't pass the Senate until a marathon 29-hour-long session that began on the morning of Dec. 19 and ended on the afternoon of Dec. 20. Because the bills started in the House, it was up to the House to formally present them to Whitmer.

But the House abruptly adjourned Dec. 19 without a quorum — due to a boycott of 54 Republicans and one Democrat — and was unable to adopt a sine die resolution, which usually marks a legal end of the session and sets the clock ticking on when bills become effective.

House clerks have since been working through the remaining bills meant to be presented to the governor but have not yet gotten to the last nine, which also happen to be some of the more controversial legislation to get through both chambers. Whitmer was known to be "at best lukewarm" on some of the remaining bills, according to one source with knowledge of the negotiations on the legislation."

Stay tuned!


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

🚨BREAKING: Bars And Restaurants Adding New "Whitmer Tax" To Your Bill As Republicans Try To Save Michigan's Tipping System From Democrat Destruction🚨


By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

Michigan's tipped wage system is on the verge of total annihilation next month, and now, bars and restaurants are getting ready for the change by adding large fees onto the bills of customers---a "Whitmer Tax," if you will.

The issues stems from a 2018 ballot measure drastically expanding the minimum wage that was supported by Whitmer and the Democrats, as well as a subsequent ruling from the Michigan Supreme Court, saying the legislature's attempt to reform the measure while concurrently adopting it was unconstitutional. 

Speaker Matt Hall and House Republicans have made #SaveMITips a top priority, with State Rep. Bill G. Schuette appointed to lead a special committee devoted just to this issue.

State Rep. Bill G. Schuette 

The changes could cost thousands of employees their jobs, hundreds of small businesses to close, and hurts families all across Michigan just looking for a fun night out. 

Soon, only corporate fast food chains and elitist hotspots will be just about the only ones left standing as nearly everyone else struggles to afford the new law.

Below, a Metro Detroit area bar and restaurant who opposes the changes has instituted a new ~22% fee in order to help offset the costs, giving patrons a glimpse into the future...


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

🚨BREAKING: Speaker Hall Gives House Oversight Committee Full Subpoena Power To Investigate Whitmer, Nessel, And Benson🚨


By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

The new Speaker Of The House Matt Hall will give the House Oversight Committee historic authority to issue subpoenas as it investigates Governor Gretchen Whitmer,  Secretary Of State Jocelyn Benson, and Attorney General Dana Nessel, sources tell West Michigan Politics.

Usually, subpoenas at House Oversight have to be dealt with individually, on a case by case basis---not anymore. The Oversight Committee now has the ability to subpoena whoever they need to in order to get answers.

This move shows Speaker Hall is for real about holding Whitmer, Benson, and Nessel accountable for what they have done to our over state the last 6 years.

One of the biggest issues the Oversight Committee will investigate is "how the Government abused its authority and failed in public transparency during COVID."

Investigation of the Chinese Gotion scandal is also on the agenda, among many other important subjects...

Speaker Hall is also planning a MAJOR expansion of the House Oversight Committee in order to make sure the investigations cover all the bases.

According to Kyle Olson at The Midwesterner:

"Incoming House Speaker Matt Hall is planning an expansive oversight committee that will carefully scrutinize Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration and other aspects of state government, a Republican source familiar with Hall’s thinking tells The Midwesterner.

According to the source, Hall plans six Oversight subcommittees, including:

-Weaponization of State Government

-Child Welfare System

-Corporate Subsidies and State Investments

-Public Health and Food Security

-Homeland Security and Foreign Influence

-State and Local Public Assistance Programs

Hall’s creation of subcommittees is unprecedented and reflects an anticipated vigorous investigation into Whitmer’s policies and decisions in particular. But it’s expected the subcommittees will also be reviewing Attorney General Dana Nessel’s actions, as well as those of Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson."


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at