Todd Smalenberg |
By Brandon Hall(Email him at WestMIPolitics@Gmail.com)
106th District State House candidate Todd Smalenberg recently debated State Rep. Cam Cavitt last week in Cheboygan.
The event was moderated by Nick Rhudy of WMKT.
When asked about the controversy over where he really lives, Smalenberg admitted that he lives in both Mio, which is outside of the district, and Hillman.
Smalenberg refused to say whether or not he spent the majority of his nights at the Hillman address listed on the sworn affidavit he filed to run for State House.
Here's what Smalenberg had to say:
The address Smalenberg is registered to vote at---and says is where he lives---is on Aulwes Street in Hillman.
A visit there indicates the property is an empty lot that Smalenberg has placed a camper trailer on.
According to Hillman Township officials, it's not legal to live in a camper without a permit---and there is no record of Smalenberg ever applying for one.
Tax records indicate his Mio property was claimed as Smalenberg's Primary Residence Exemption and Veteran's Exemption for the 2023 tax year.
According to nominating petitions for 1st Congressional District candidate Josh Saul, Smalenberg used the Hillman address while his wife Lynne used the Mio address. Lynne is still registered there today, and cannot vote for her husband in August.
In Facebook posts, Smalenberg chronicled the construction of his Mio dream home on the Au Sable River throughout 2021 and 2022.
Smalenberg's campaign committee's street address in Hillman---a 480 square foot, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom rustic shack that doesn't seem to have been occupied by anyone in many weeks---or more likely, MONTHS.
The Norman Bates taxidermy collection has more signs of life than this place.
As of Tuesday June 4th, the grass was considerably longer than neighboring homes, old clumps of leaves and sticks scattered near the door looked like they've been there since at least last fall, and a broom was tipped over on the ground by a couple of faded, dirty chairs.
The only thing visible inside when I looked in to see if the place was abandoned was a vacuum cleaner.
Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.
>>>Email him at WestMIPolitics@Gmail.com