
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Which Legislators Are Supporting Republican House Leader Matt Hall's Fight To End "Sanctuaries" For Illegals In Michigan?


Republican House Leader Matt Hall

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at 

The stunning murder of Ruby Garcia by an illegal last week in Grand Rapids has sparked national outrage over "sanctuary" municipalities like Kent County in Michigan.

"Sanctuary" cities and counties are considered safe-havens for illegals because of policies their County Commission or Sheriff have enacted. 


State Rep Matt Hall has introduced House Bill 4880 to ban sanctuary counties for illegals in Michigan:

"A bill to prohibit counties from enacting or enforcing any law, ordinance, policy, or rule that limits peace officers or local officials, officers, or employees from communicating or cooperating with appropriate federal officials concerning the immigration status of individuals"

Aside from Kent County, other “sanctuaries” for illegals in Michigan include East Lansing, along with Ingham, Kalamazoo, and Wayne counties.

Kent County officials dispute the designation, but a 2019 report from the Detroit Free Press details why ICE and President Trump's White House thought otherwise.

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the White House criticized a county in Michigan this week for having what they called a “sanctuary” policy which they said threatens public safety by not holding immigrants for ICE beyond their release date without a judicial warrant. 
In January, Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young told ICE that her department will not agree to immigrant detainer requests from ICE unless they have a judicial warrant from a judge. Her move came amid an uproar from civil rights advocates after Grand Rapids Police and Kent County had handed over to ICE a Latino suspect born in the U.S. who was a U.S. citizen and Marine veteran, Jilmar Ramos-Gomez.
ICE says the new policy by the Kent County Sheriff is dangerous; civil rights advocates defended the sheriff’s move.
Kent County’s policy change “negatively impacts public safety and ICE’s efficiency in the apprehension of criminal aliens,” ICE said. The federal immigration agency said opponents of detainers without warrants “wish to undermine immigration enforcement and excuse the ill-conceived practices of sanctuary jurisdictions that put politics before public safety.”
West Michigan Politics is reaching out to Republican legislators asking:
🕵️ Do you support Matt Hall's legislation (House Bill 4880) to ban sanctuaries for illegals in Michigan?

🕵️Do you support efforts to make sure Kent County, Kalamazoo County, and ALL municipalities in Michigan hold illegals who have been arrested until ICE can arrive, under established ICE operational guidelines?
Here is a live list of legislators who have answered YES to both questions: 
🇺🇸State Rep. Patrick Outman
🇺🇸State Rep. Bill G. Schuette
🇺🇸State Rep. Angela Rigas
🇺🇸State Rep. Gina Johnsen 
🇺🇸State Rep. Curt Vanderwall
🇺🇸State Rep. Luke Meerman 
🇺🇸State Rep. Steve Carra 
🇺🇸State Rep. Jamie Thompson
🇺🇸State Rep. Cam Cavitt
🇺🇸State Rep. Matt Maddock

Check back often---the list is updated regularly!
*State Rep. Tom Kunse answered "yes" to Question 1, but did not respond to Question 2.
*State Rep. Bryan Posthumus issued a statement on Monday referencing his support of HB 4880 in Question 1, but he did not respond to Question 2, saying he "hopes to hear President Trump lay out a plan that will lock down our border toward illegal immigrants while opening the door to those who chose to come here legally and proudly" during his visit this week.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Crashes, Lawsuits, Repeated Failed Inspections, And "Toxic, Trash" Ownership: Inside State Rep. Tom Kunse's Controversial Former Company, Northern Dry Bulk

By Brandon Hall 
(Email him at 

State Rep. Tom Kunse recently sold his company, Northern Dry Bulk, earlier this year.

A West Michigan Politics investigation reveals a history of crashes involving the company's vehicles. multiple lawsuits, and one failed inspection after another. 

Employees describe Kunse, the former Owner, as "toxic" and "trash."

State Rep. Tom Kunse

According to their LinkedIn

Northern Dry Bulk services include dry bulk transportation, liquid bulk transportation, rail to truck transfer at 2 sites (Clare and Grand Rapids, MI), as well as industrial wood and plastic recycling. We have recently added a hazardous material permit and insurance to enable us to offer even more services! 

We serve a balanced customer base of both Fortune 500 companies as well as smaller operations. We have complete computerized dispatch, GPS tracking of all shipments, and EDI capabilities.”

In February of 2024, Northern Dry Bulk was sold to Kenan Advantage Group:


Northern Dry Bulk trucks have been involved in 5 Crashes according to the available data from recent years, 1 of which had an injury. 

Citations were issued in 3 out of the 5 crashes.

December 30, 2019 in  Illinois:

January 6, 2021 in Michigan:

January 29, 2021 in Michigan:

February 4, 2021 in Michigan:

February 10, 2021 in Illinois:

Repeatedly Failing DOT Safety Inspections

Northern Dry Bulk, during the course of 47 inspections in the data available for recent years, has been cited with 45 violations!

31 Out of the 47 inspections had 1 or more violations:

Northern Dry Bulk’s latest Vehicle Out Of Service (OOS) Rate is 37%---that’s nearly double the national average!

The company was also charged with driving an overweight truck in 2021, and found guilty:

The “Toxic, Trash” Owner From Hell! 

Northern Dry Bulk receives an overall D rating according to

Multiple employees cite horrendous management by Kunse as a main reason for the poor grade, with one even calling him “toxic,”and another calling him “trash.”


Northern Dry Bulk has been the subject of multiple lawsuits.

In June of 2018, William Taylor sued Northern Dry Bulk. The lawsuit was settled in April of 2019 for an undisclosed amount.

In March of 2018, Northern Dry Bulk was sued by Tenergy, a Pennsylvania energy company. The case was settled later that year for an undisclosed amount.

Half A Million Dollar PPP “Loan”

In April of 2020, Northern Dry Bulk received a loan of $513,800 from the Paycheck Protection Program, more commonly known as PPP.

The PPP “loan” was forgiven, including nearly $3,400 in interest, and taxpayers ended up paying the tab.

Documents show Kunse charged ~$52,000 in rent for property he seemingly already owns.

Kunse, whose district includes Osceola and Mecosta Counties, as well as parts of Clare County and Lake County, is up for re-election in August. The filing deadline is April 23rd.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

#NeverTrump Michigan State Rep. Tom Kunse Says He Doesn't Care If Betraying President Trump Costs Himself Re-Election

By Brandon Hall 
(Email him at 

Controversial Michigan State Rep. Kunse has a history of being extremely hostile to President Trump, and strongly supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis before he dropped out of the race in January.

Kunse, who is essentially a "#NeverTrump" (but allegedly voted for him in the past) has repeatedly attacked President Trump on his official State House campaign page:

Kunse even said that President Trump would lose to Joe Biden!

Kunse also signed a controversial letter taking cheap shots at Trump, and begging DeSantis to run for President in December of 2022: 


In an interview with Lansing insider Tim Skubick featured in The Alpena News, Kunse said he didn't care if his refusal to support President Trump cost himself re-election:

“Politico recently reported that 18 Republican lawmakers signed a letter urging Florida Gov. Ron DaSantis to come to Michigan to run for president. And West Michigan state Rep. Bryan Posthumus hand-delivered the correspondence to the man himself in Florida, who reportedly was more than pleased to consider the invitation as he ponders his bid for the White House.”

Kunse's pathetic letter was also featured in The Detroit News:

Kunse, whose district includes Osceola and Mecosta Counties, as well as parts of Clare County and Lake County, is up for re-election in August. The filing deadline is April 23rd.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

John Yob: Ruby Garcia's Murder In Grand Rapids Solidifies President Trump's Support In Michigan And Changes The Election

 By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at 

The brutal murder of Ruby Garcia by an illegal in Grand Rapids Friday will have significant consequences in November that benefit President  Trump according to renowned pollster and political consultant John Yob.

"It is never easy to comment on the political or electoral impacts of tragedy," Yob said "But it is a necessary role of pollsters and political analysts to determine the impacts of current events on our political system. Tragedy struck Grand Rapids in West Michigan very hard this week, and the impact on Michigan politics and the national election is undeniable. This tragedy is going to change Michigan’s electoral outlook and quite possibly impact the entire country."

Here are the excerpts from Yob's latest briefing:

"Some members of the media make the interesting choice to hide the fact that some murderers
are illegal immigrants when reporting the news. It is unfortunate that they proactively choose to
leave out such a relevant fact. Luis Fabian Bernal-Sosa was convicted of first-degree on
February 7th. 

The case received relatively little media attention and few if any reported his
status. However that is likely to change. He was scheduled to be sentenced tomorrow March
27th, and that has now been moved to April 17th. This story will continue.

The alleged murder of Ruby Garcia on March 24th by illegal immigrant Brandon Ortiz-Vite is
receiving a very significant amount of national media attention and put this issue immediately on
the forefront. The issue of illegal immigrants murdering people in Grand Rapids is now a
national story that will not go away any time soon.

President Trump Successfully Realigned Michigan Electoral Politics in 2016

President Trump was able to win Michigan in 2016 for the first time in nearly three decades
because he single-handedly and successfully realigned the electoral makeup of the state. He
overperformed in blue-collar areas of the state such as Macomb County, Mid-Michigan, and
Northern Michigan. He earned the votes of autoworkers and working families taking that
coalition away from the Democrats and leaving them as the liberal elitist party of the East and
West Coasts.

The downside of that successful realignment included underperforming in historically strong
Republican territories such as Kent County in West Michigan and Southeast Michigan’s Oakland
County. The 2000 and 2004 campaigns included the famous term “soccer moms” to describe
more establishment Republicans. Candidates such as George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush
prioritized and appealed to these voters with varying degrees of success despite the difficult
issue of abortion. Their strategy worked well in bringing traditional establishment West Michigan
voters to the Republican column. But they ultimately failed as statewide candidates in Michigan
because of their underperformance with blue-collar working families.

2024 is the Year Traditional Republicans Come Home in West Michigan

The massive problem at the border and corresponding media attention is now on the verge of
turning these “soccer moms” into “security moms” in West Michigan and changing their
perspective in the Presidential race. The heat of the immigration crisis is going to turn to a boil
this week as attention builds on the sentencing of Bernal-Sosa and today’s arrest of Ortiz-Vite
for murder. One case is a terrible tragedy, two cases is an unacceptable trend that voters will
not easily accept. Simply put, the immigration crisis is likely to move historically centrist
Republicans in West Michigan who were torn in recent Presidential elections firmly into
President Trump’s corner.

The Unfortunate Truths

There have been not one - but two - alleged murders by illegal immigrants in recent months.
The alleged murderer arrested today - Ortiz-Vite - was deported by President Trump in
September of 2020 and somehow he got back into the country thereafter. Making matters
worse, Kent County Michigan is a sanctuary county. Suburban families, even as far north as
West Michigan, are now finding out that the open southern border is in their backyard - and
they don't like it. They are about to hear about it over and over again in the media.
Impact of Change in West Michigan

As you can see from the data in the appendix, just a small shift in sentiment from traditional
1990’s style Republicans in West Michigan would move Michigan’s electoral votes back to
President Trump. The ripple effect of the media attention will also impact “security moms” in
areas of the state such as Oakland County and Traverse City, quite possibly moving Michigan
out of reach for President Biden.

The immigration issue hitting home in West Michigan is going to fundamentally change the
outlook of the 2024 election and put Michigan more firmly in President Trump’s corner.
Because of Biden’s failed immigration policies, this is likely to play out in other states and across
the country - a prime example of which is Georgia, after the murder of nursing student Laken
Riley in February.

Immigration is once again the most determinative issue in national electoral politics, and critical
Grand Rapids, Michigan is now ground zero for the presidential race."


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

🚨Conservative Veteran Jon Rocha Announces State House Campaign As Biden And Whitmer's Southern Border Invasion Comes To West Michigan When Drunk Illegal Brutally Murders Grand Rapids Woman In Botched Carjacking🚨

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at 

78th District State House candidate Jon Rocha has issued a major statement on the sickening murder of Ruby Garcia in Grand Rapids this week.

Garcia's brutal death has stunned the nation.

"Biden and Whitmer's Southern Border Invasion has arrived in West Michigan, and now Ruby Garcia is gone---shot dead and thrown out of her car Friday night in Grand Rapids like nothing more than a piece of trash," Rocha said.

"While my heart goes out to her family, who have my full condolences, I am absolutely pissed. Her murder never should have happened---Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, as well as those who aid and abet them, have blood on their hands."

Rocha also had strong words for Kent County, whose Sheriff has declared itself a "sanctuary county" for illegals invading the country.

"On day one, I will introduce legislation immediately stopping all state revenue sharing payments to Kent County, and any other municipality supporting the Southern Border Invasion," Rocha said. "Lowell and Alto are in my district, and I won't let Kent County endanger the lives of my constituents without a fight. 

I'm not running to play games with the people who have been terrorizing our state for far too long---I'm running to stand up for Michigan families, and deliver real results for the people of the 78th District," Rocha said.

Saturday night at The Jefferson in Hastings---with over 150 guests in attendance---Rocha officially announced he is running for State Representative in the 78th State House District.

According to a release, "Jon Rocha is known as a strong fighter for constitutionally conservative values across the state, and in the 78th District, including fighting on the frontlines against Whitmer's tyrannical lockdowns and mandates, as well as fighting for parental rights against radical leftist school boards trying to push racist CRT on our kids, and bring explicit porn into our schools."

Rocha says he is committed to representing the 78th District the way a REAL Conservative should:

“This is an extremely difficult time for our state," Rocha said in a statement Monday. "Biden and Whitmer's inflation---and the Democrat’s Southern border invasion---are crushing Michigan families, destroying small businesses, and suffocating our farmers.

We need a State Representative who votes to cut spending, not write Governor Whitmer another blank check. We need a State Representative who votes for policies that help the people of the 78th District, not help Governor Whitmer and her special interest cronies.

We need a State Representative who delivers REAL Conservative representation for the people of the 78th District---a fighter who has proven he can stand up to the establishment. I'm a pissed off Marine ready to take the fight to Lansing, and I'll never back down."

State Rep. Gina Johnsen's horrendous vote for Whitmer's controversial "budget from hell" last year inspired Rocha to run after significant encouragement from throughout the district.

"Gretchen Whitmer is drunk off power, and Gina Johnsen voted to buy her another 5th, and give her the keys to the car," Rocha said. "The party's over. I have been asked to run by people across the district who want REAL Conservative representation in Lansing."

A Marine Corps Veteran who served in Afghanistan, Rocha currently works as a Corrections Deputy for the Barry County Sheriff's Department. He's active in many community organizations, including The Hastings Elks Lodge, The Hastings American Legion, and The Lowell VFW.

Rocha is also a member of The Barry County Republican Party Executive Committee, the 2nd Republican Congressional District Executive Committee, and is a State Committeeman for the Michigan Republican Party.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Monday, March 18, 2024

Breaking: Conservative Mom Nikki Snyder Will Exit The US Senate Race To Run For Congress In The Open Kildee Seat

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at 

Sources tell West Michigan Politics that Nikki Snyder, a Conservative Mom and State Board Of Education member popular among the Republican grassroots, will run for the open US House seat being vacated by Rep. Dan Kildee.

Kildee, the 8th District Representative, stunned the political world when he announced his retirement a few months ago. 

Kildee, a cancer survivor, is focusing on his health issues instead of clinging to Congress for 2 or more years.

Nikki Snyder enters the race as a front-runner to win the Republican nomination, and she has the ability to compete and win against the Democrat nominee in November. She is known as a fierce fighter for parental and student rights in her time as a State Board Of Ed member.

In the Republican primary, Snyder faces Paul Junge, a serial candidate who has spent most of his life in California---and already lost general election races for Congress in 2020 and 2022. Trucking company owner Anthony Hudson is also running. 

The winner faces ex Flint Mayor Matt Collier, State Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley, State Board of Education President Pamela Pugh, or environmentalist Dan Moilanen in November---those are the Democrat candidates.

The filing deadline is April 23rd...


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at