
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Ottawa County 58th District Court Judge Brad Knoll Should Step Aside While His Domestic Violence Arrest Is Adjudicated

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

 I have nothing against Ottawa County 58th District Court Chief Judge Brad Knoll---on the contrary, I find him to be an exemplary jurist for the most part. 

Knoll serves on the Michigan Community Corrections Board, and is passionate about community mental health, affordable housing, as well as addiction recovery. His leadership in creating and running Ottawa County's Sobriety Court program has been stellar.

In both my personal experience, stories I have heard from many others, as well as from coverage in the media over the years, Knoll seems to have been a fair, hard-working Judge for 2 decades. 

We certainly have some disagreements when it comes to President Trump and U of M football, but those issues aren't relevant here. 

I don't take any joy in his arrest for domestic violence, especially so close to Christmas---I broke the story Tuesday night after it had been covered up across 3 counties over the course of 5 days because I emphatically believe the public has a right to know when one of their most powerful elected leaders faces such serious allegations.

Unfortunately, Judge Knoll has said he will remain on the bench while his criminal case proceeds, except for domestic violence cases. 

Knoll is fully entitled to the presumption of innocence, as any defendant in America should be---and I know firsthand his inclination to resist pressure to step aside during a controversy. 

However, because of his unique position as not only a Judge in the Holland branch, but also as the Chief Judge running the entire Ottawa County 58th District Court, he should take a leave of absence while his criminal case is ongoing.

Taking a leave shows Knoll takes the case seriously, allows him to focus on his defense, and would keep the Michigan Supreme Court from intervening and suspending him, a terrible way to close a storied judicial career. (A suspension could come regardless, at the conclusion of the case, depending on how the facts play out.)

Judge Knoll's docket could then be temporarily taken over by a retired, "visiting" Judge appointed by the State Court Administrative Office, someone like former Ottawa County Circuit Court Judge Ed Post, or Judge Susan Jonas, who sat in the room next to Knoll in the District Court's Holland branch for nearly 2 decades.

Knoll, with Judge Susan Jonas

Knoll could then return to the bench after the conclusion of his criminal case, and subsequently be a great example to the Defendants appearing in his court when it comes to showing that anyone can make a bad mistake, be held accountable for their actions under the law, then move on with their life---even a Judge.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

🚨BREAKING: Ottawa County 58th District Court Judge Brad Knoll Arrested For Domestic Violence: Here's What Happened🚨


By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

Officers with the Grand Haven Department Of Public Safety arrived at the home of 58th District Court Judge Brad Knoll on the City's West side a little after 7:30 pm on Wednesday, December 13th following an urgent 911 call reporting an attack.

After an on-scene investigation, officers made the decision to arrest Judge Knoll, who leads the 58th District as Chief Judge, for assaulting his wife. West Michigan Politics broke the story the evening of December 18th.

Sources tell West Michigan Politics that because of safety concerns regarding sending Knoll to Ottawa County's Fillmore Complex---the same jail he has sent thousands of defendants to over his 20 year career---as well as the fact all Ottawa County Judges, and Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher recused themselves from handling the case, Ottawa County Sheriff Steve Kempker contacted Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young. 

Sheriff LaJoye-Young agreed to lodge Knoll in Kent County for the evening. Knoll was then transported by Grand Haven Officers to the Kent County Jail in downtown Grand Rapids for booking---including fingerprints, and a mugshot. 

After spending the night by himself in a holding cell for his own protection, Knoll was released on a PR bond the morning of December 14th. Kent County Jail officials have confirmed to WMP that Knoll was booked and incarcerated at the facility.

Conditions of his release include no alcohol or drugs, he can't possess a gun or a "dangerous weapon," and he is not to have any contact with his wife.

His arraignment is scheduled for January 9 in the Grand Haven branch of Ottawa County 58th District Court. 

Muskegon County Prosecutor DJ Hilson is leading the State Of Michigan's case against Knoll. Hilson was selected for the assignment by Attorney General Dana Nessel, who made the decision under MCL 49.160 because Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher recused himself. Muskegon District Court Judge Geoffrey Nolan will be presiding.

Judge Knoll was not suspended as initially thought, and he told The Holland Sentinel he will continue to hear cases---except for alleged incidents of domestic violence. 

It's unclear if the Michigan Supreme Court will intervene, and suspend Knoll while his criminal case is ongoing.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

🚨BREAKING: Ottawa County 58th District Court Judge Brad Knoll Arrested For Domestic Violence: Here's What Happened🚨

By Brandon Hall 

(Email him at

Officers with the Grand Haven Department Of Public Safety arrived at the home of 58th District Court Judge Brad Knoll on the City's West side a little after 7:30 pm on Wednesday, December 13th following an urgent 911 call reporting an attack.

After an on-scene investigation, officers made the decision to arrest Judge Knoll, who leads the 58th District as Chief Judge, for assaulting his wife. West Michigan Politics broke the story the evening of December 18th.

Sources tell West Michigan Politics that because of safety concerns regarding sending Knoll to Ottawa County's Fillmore Complex---the same jail he has sent thousands of defendants to over his 20 year career---as well as the fact all Ottawa County Judges, as well as Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher recused themselves from handling the case, Ottawa County Sheriff Steve Kempker contacted Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young. 

Sheriff LaJoye-Young agreed to lodge Knoll in Kent County for the evening. Knoll was then transported by Grand Haven Officers to the Kent County Jail in downtown Grand Rapids for booking, fingerprints, and a mugshot. 

After spending the night by himself in a holding cell for his own protection, Knoll was released on a PR bond the morning of December 14th. Kent County Jail officials have confirmed to WMP that Knoll was booked and incarcerated at the facility.

Conditions of his release include no alcohol or drugs, he can't possess a gun or a "dangerous weapon," and he is not to have any contact with his wife.

His arraignment is scheduled for January 9 in the Grand Haven branch of Ottawa County 58th District Court. 

Muskegon County Prosecutor DJ Hilson is leading the State Of Michigan's case against Knoll. Hilson was selected for the assignment by Attorney General Dana Nessel, who made the decision under MCL 49.160 because Ottawa County Prosecutor Lee Fisher recused himself. Muskegon District Court Judge Geoffrey Nolan will be presiding.

Judge Knoll was not suspended as initially thought, and he says he will continue to hear cases---except for alleged incidents of domestic violence. 

It's unclear if the Michigan Supreme Court will intervene, and suspend Knoll while his criminal case is ongoing.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Monday, December 18, 2023

🚨BREAKING: West Michigan Politics EXCLUSIVE: Ottawa County 58th District Court Judge Bradley Knoll Arrested For Domestic Violence🚨

By Brandon Hall 
(Email him at

Ottawa County 58th Chief District Court Judge Bradley Knoll was arrested on charges of domestic violence last week.

The arrest was processed in Kent County after all Ottawa County Judges recused themselves.

This is a developing story... 

Stay tuned to West Michigan Politics for breaking information... 

Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics.

>>>Email him at

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Is "Former" Democrat Alexandria Taylor Trying To Hijack A Republican Supreme Court Seat? Major Controversies About Her Radical Liberal History Remain Unanswered


Alexandria Taylor with Governor Gretchen Whitmer

By Brandon Hall
(Email him at

Romulus Democrat Alexandria Taylor now claims she's a Republican---and she wants the GOP to give her the party's nomination for Michigan Supreme Court.

However, until recently, Taylor had no connections to Republican politics whatsoever before donating to the Oakland County Republican Party in late 2022 to attend an event she spoke at. 

Around the same time, Taylor, who is a lawyer, also represented former Michigan Republican Party Chair Kristina Karamo in an election case, and held a fundraiser for her Secretary of State campaign.

Taylor's alleged conversion to the party comes shrouded in controversy after just losing a Democrat primary for State House in 2018, as well as a Circuit Court Judgeship in 2020. She was also a prominent supporter of Governor Gretchen Whitmer...

It's been said, "if you were arrested for being a Republican, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

In Taylor's case, she would have a damn strong chance of snagging a "not guilty" verdict... 

Taylor has been cozy with the radical leftist factions of the Democrat Party: she donated to the Progressive Women's Caucus in 2018, and the Michigan Democrat Party's Progressive Caucus endorsed her campaign for State House the same year:

She was a passionate supporter of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's campaign in 2018---it's unknown whether or not she voted for her in 2022:

Taylor has strong ties to the teacher's union in Romulus, the Romulus Education Association.

Taylor posted numerous messages of support for the REA, like the one below:

Taylor has went as far as picketing with the teachers: 

The REA even endorsed her campaign for Judge in 2020:

Taylor said in 2018 that women don't get paid equally, need to fight for paid time off, and that educators are not paid enough:

She even seems to think that women are choosing abortion because they want more paid time off:

Taylor shared a post from the extremist abortionist organization EMILY's List, heaping praise on Stacey Abrams of all people:

When Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, Taylor told the Detroit Free Press that the radical leftist Judge was an inspiration of hers, and that her death was "a call to action":

In 2020, Taylor repeatedly shared Whitmer's COVID propaganda, how to calculate how much money one would be getting from the government, and how to file for unemployment. 

She frequently wore a mask despite being OUTSIDE, and even supported the closure of Detroit's auto industry:

Taylor supported the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, telling Ballotpedia that she is part of a "movement" to bring "redemption" to the legal system:

"In Michigan I watched some of the protest footage and saw many protests where law enforcement walked hand in hand with the protesters. Specifically, one in Flint. We get it here in Michigan. We understand that injustice to some is injustice to all. Nationally, we have the opportunity to set the stage for the great redemption of our entire legal system. I consider it a deep honor and privilege to even be considered as a part of this movement to come."

Amazingly, Taylor's website STILL proclaimed she is a Democrat when she launched her US Senate campaign in June of 2023!

Also interesting: In a June 2018 interview with the News Herald, Taylor claimed local governments need more money, and public schools were facing a dire funding crisis despite record funding... 

She supported restoring prevailing wage, repealing the medicaid work requirement, said she would do everything in her power to implement universal healthcare, and decried the "Republican trifecta" of controlling the House, Senate, and Governor's office.

Taylor also supported raising the sales, income, property and tobacco taxes...

Here are relevant excerpts: 

"This year, we face the reality of not overturning this Republican trifecta and, therefore, it is imperative to have a representative that can get things done despite the legislative makeup," Taylor told the paper.

When asked, "If elected, what do you plan to tackle within your first 90 days?" Taylor replied  "(Restoring) Prevailing wage, (repealing) the Medicaid work requirement, and auto insurance (reform)."

"The most pressing issue for our district is revenue sharing and the lack of funding to our local municipalities," Taylor said.

"Additionally, there is a dire crisis with respect to education and the funding of schools. Funding for schools is, in part, based on the number of pupils; however, due to the perceived decline in our local schools, many parents are sending their children outside of the district. A community cannot thrive without a flourishing school district. In Romulus, we are facing a redistricting which will involve potential closure and/or consolidation. Many have expressed concerns and are selling their homes for greener pastures.

These issues do not have a “quick fix” solution; however, the hope is that we will overturn the Republican trifecta to effectuate some real change for the hard-working families in this district. The state school aid fund money comes from numerous sources, including but not limited to, lottery, various taxes including sales, income, property and tobacco taxes. I propose an increase in the proportion based on the cost of living index. 

I also propose a re-examination of the funding for public schools and looking to other sources of revenue. There is a great possibility that marijuana will be decriminalized for recreational use. This could be an additional funding stream for these communities/schools. This would not solve our entire funding crisis; however, it is a step in the right direction."

What’s the most pressing issue facing the nation and how will your work with the district contribute to fixing it?  "The most pressing issue facing our nation is health care. Health care is a basic human right, yet so many remain uninsured...Health care is a priority and while it may not happen right away, I will do everything in my power to build those bridges to make universal health care a reality."

The Republican Party is full of former Democrats, President Reagan and President Trump are among them. 

However, Taylor's statements and actions are all very recent, within the last 6 years, and come after losing two elections.

She owes delegates a real and detailed explanation on just exactly why she has taken a radical leftist stance on numerous important issues just two years ago, and what caused her to change her mind. She has failed to adequately do that.


Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics. 

>>>Email him at

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Breaking: Governor Whitmer Considers Running For US Senate In 2024: Big Gretch Has Met With Chuck Schumer Twice In 3 Weeks


By Brandon Hall

(Email him at WestMIPolitics@Gmail.Com)

Governor Gretchen Whitmer has met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer twice within the last ~3 weeks, West Michigan Politics has learned.

Whitmer is interested in the US Senate seat currently held by Debbie Stabenow, who is retiring in 2024. DC Dems are evidently swiping right on Big Gretch, immensely excited about the prospects of a "Senator Whitmer."

Support also exists in Washington circles for Rep. Elissa Slotkin, and though he publicly denies interest, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttiegieg recently moved to Northern Michigan, and is watching the race closely.

Republican candidates said to be considering running include Ryan Kelley, Perry Johnson, Tudor Dixon, and John James...

Stay tuned!

Brandon Hall is a lifelong political nerd from Grand Haven, and is the Managing Editor of West Michigan Politics. 

>>>Email him at